The Pokemon Go Tag

Admittedly I haven’t played, and have no plans to despite being a moderate fan of the franchise.

But upon finding the amazing, Kim Chance‘s video on the tag, I was inspired to do my own. The original creator of the tag is,  Aentee. So without further ado, let us begin.


  1. Starters 

Which book started your love for reading?

This one is easy! It has to be Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. I remember reading it over and over again in bed as the last thing I did before going to sleep. I’m not sure why I started at number two, but the memories and feelings of reading Chamber of Secrets has stuck with me since those nights in bed with the book.

2. Pikachu

An iconic classic that you’ll always love

The Hobbit by J.R.R. to me is the ultimate fantasy novel. It brings joy and laughter, excitement and sadness to me and gives a journey that never tires no matter how many times I read it. The characters are lovable (especially those dwarves) and Bilbo Baggins is a wonderful protagonist.

3. Zubat

A book that you lost interest in because it’s literally everywhere!

I have to be honest, I’ve grown tired of the Percy Jackson universe.

I love the original five books, they’re fantastic! I’m just not interested in picking up either the Trials of Apollo series or the Magnus Chase series. Personally, I’d prefer if Rick Riordan went on to write other things. (This is not to say I’ll never go back and read the two series mentioned.)

4. Ditto

A book that reminds you of other books (tropes) but you still love anyway.

I’m going to go with the Percy Jackson series (the original five), but don’t get me wrong it still is a wonderful set of books and I highly recommend them.

5. Snorlax

The Shannara Chronicles written by Terry Brookes consist of over twenty novels, of which are about different time periods and characters across that universe. One day I’ll pick up a novel from the series but for now, I think I’ll stick to the television series.

 6. Gengar

 A book that kept you up at night

For this book, I’d have to choose All the Feels by Danika Stone. The book is amazing, I have a review right here on it. It kept me up all night as I went on this journey with Liv to bring back her favourite movie character, make new friends along the way and possibly find romance.

7. Nidoqueen and Nidoking

My Bookish OTP

Hmm, this is a toughie since I don’t really ship couples. If I had to say one, it would more than likely be, Liv and Xander from All the Feels. They were made for each other from beginning to end. ❤

8. Rapidash

A fire hot, fast paced read

The Gunslinger by Stephen King. Next! But seriously, I was finished within two days. Two days! Usually, I can finish a book within five days if I’m good. but I was hooked from start to finish with the Gunslinger.

9. Eevee

A series that you’ll never get tired of or spin-offs for

Harry Potter, duh! :p It may sound cliched but this series was my childhood, and where I took myself to escape from school when I was young. The characters, Hogwarts…everything is perfect to me and I have so many memories of reading the series in bed turning page after page just to see what happened next.

 10. Magikarp (Karp, Karp)

 A book/series that was surprisingly awesome

For this book, the reason I chose it wasn’t because I thought it would be bad, but just because the author, Jenna Moreci, managed to exceed my high expectations with her novel, “Eve: The Awakening”. It took me forever to read simply because I’m a slow reader but. The book is amazing, the characters are ridiculously fleshed out and each individual has their own “voice”, keeping them from becoming carbon copies.

 11. Legendary

An overhyped series that you’re still excited to read.

Game of Thrones? I’m a big fan of the television show but the books are huge and from what I’ve read, not really that compelling. (Please don’t hate me.) However, saying that, I do intend to read them at some point. 🙂

 12. Mew & Mewtwo 

 A Collector’s Edition Edition you wished you owned. 

For this book I’ve chosen, The Lord of the Rings Special Edition, it consists of “The Fellowship of the Ring”, “The Two Towers”, and “The Return of the King”. It’s got 1184 pages but it will be so worth it in the end!

 13. A Poke-Egg (oh the memories of walking around waiting for the eggs to hatch!)

 A debut novel you’re excited to read next year. 

The novel “Wintersong“, a YA fantasy from S. Jae-Jones, is something I’m super excited for due to the addition of goblins, and this beauty comes out in February of next year. (5 months away! Yay!)

P.S The book cover is beautiful.

 14. Lure Modul

 An Auto-Buy Author

J.K Rowling, Jenna Moreci, Stephen King and Danika Stone.

15. The Server is Down

 A Book Release you’ve been waiting on forever

Despite what I’ve said previously about not reading the Game of Thrones book any time soon, I am so curious as to the content for “Winds of Winter”. However it doesn’t seem to be coming out any time soon.

Thank you once again to Kim for introducing me to this tag. You can find her tag right here , and thank you again to the original creator of this tag, Aentee! I had a blast doing this tag and hope you guys do!

Have a great week, everyone!










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